Lux Motors
3030 N Green River Rd, Evansville, IN
(812) 401-1080
Open 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
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Best vehicle trade-in values in Southern Indiana

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Your trade-in is always worth more at Lux Motors

Your trade-in can be used as a down payment on a new car and that can open new options when it comes to financing.

Trading in your used car in Indiana gets you a state tax credit when purchasing a new one.

Don’t worry if you still owe money on your trade-in. We’ll manage your pay-off so you can trade your old car for a nicer, newer ride.

Lenders love trade-ins. It increases your down payment which makes them more comfortable with lending you more money at better rates.

Selling your car on your own is a hassle and can take a lot of time. By trading in your vehicle, you can get yourself into a new car faster.

8 reasons selling your car privately is risky

Considering selling your vehicle on your own? Here’s what’s a stake:

You may have to wait to buy a new car. If you were planning to use the money from selling your old car to fund your new one, you’ll wait until it sells and who knows when that will be.

Car insurance, loan payments, and other costs of ownership don’t stop just because you’re trying to sell your vehicle.

Even if you think you have a buyer right away, people back out of deals all the time. Then you’re back to square one.

People will try to low-ball you. If you’re not a skilled negotiator, you could end up selling the car for less than you wanted.

Complete strangers will expect to take your car for a test drive. How comfortable will you be handing over your keys or riding along with them?

If you’re trying to get top dollar for your car, you may need to shell out for cosmetic or maintenance repairs. Now you’re spending more money without a guaranteed return.

You’ll be interacting with strangers and having them show up at your home. Problems after the sale? Now they know where you live.

Even after all the effort and expense to do everything right, you still may not get the price you wanted.